Who is Amy Safeunderdark ?
‘Safeunderdark’ is my screen/artist name, a name I made up to name the artist.
‘Amy’ is the personification, the representation of my visual and creative inner, translated to the outside;
something like a split personality, creatively so to speak.
And in that personification, I’m able to express myself better.Amy has grown on me like a second skin, she is a lovable, independent, and most of all, a very happy person.
She has become a familiar appearance in several parts of the internet and is loved by many people.
Although Amy is not a real individual, she is someone who is living inside of me, what she tells you comes straight out of her heart.
Amy also carries a lot of wisdom, some things are surprising about her and she always tries to help others in any way she can.
Amy is all magical in what she does.. and a little magic goes a long way..
Why is she called Amy?
Well that’s a long story, but here’s a shorted version:
When I started I used a lot of things, and did it as myself. ‘Safeunderdark’
But there was more inside me, waiting to get out.
I wanted to start a art site of my own, and was trying to make something for it. So suddenly there was a girl, didn’t like her at first, it was “just a Girl..”
Somehow the name “Amy” popped into my head, so that was her name..
because every one is named by me..
But I was not satisfied, I tried to make another one…
So I made a new one, but look and behold, it looked very familiar, like the same girl I made before.. Yea, talking about weird.
I couldn’t believe my eyes, but stupid enough, Yea.. sometimes it take some time for me to “Get things”,
I tried this this several times, started from scratch, and behold we got Amy, Amy, Amy and surprise………. yet another Amy.
I didn’t give up there, It looked like ‘Amy’ is somehow my creative inner,
just wanted to get out. So I joined Amy in the end,
after all; If you can’t beat them, join them..
Since then Amy has created lots of nice things, as you can see on this site.
I can start something and Amy (My creativity) takes over and I could end with something totally different that what I started with.That is the greatest things of all:
I can enjoy in creating, and let my creativity play, and be able to get away from it all,
I have loads of FUN, and that is the main reason, doing all of this!
So I can say Amy has done most of this, I just on the background taking care of the posts and other things.
Always surprised by myself and how I ever got into this, but very happy I did this, and I know Amy is too
Now you know about me, Amy, and now the story of Safeunderdark. 😉
Thank you for reading.